Tuesday, September 2, 2008

girl of my dreams

magazine lovers, rejoice! issue 7 of lula magazine will be hitting US newsstands a week from today on September 8th! The arrival of Lula on bookstore shelves only happens 4 times a year and is something i look forward to like a day at Disneyland. if you haven't discovered Lula yet, do yourself a favor and splurge on the $20 magazine - with its large format, thick glossy pages, beautiful fonts and layouts, amazing articles and gorgeous lolita dreamland imagery, it is worth every penny, and without a doubt my favorite magazine in publication. plus, this issue has 2 absolutely gorgeous covers to chose from! here are a few preview shots i snagged from the moldy doily, these scans make me so so excited for fall, for orange pumpkins and grey skies and purple wooly tights and warm cups of tea, oh my!




jessica ann said...

mmmm lula! i'll be visiting the city to snag it! (it's the only place i know that sells it!)

Anonymous said...

I love the circle print dress, the ruffle hemmed dress, the face veil and that amazing colour of the second cover girls hair! Can't wait to grab my copy.

Love love loving the blog, by the way!

Amy May x